

gospel partnership

If we’re Christians, we’ve acquired spiritual riches (such as forgiveness, fellowship and assurance about the future) only because of the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing this will encourage us to invest the time, talents and tambalas we’ve been entrusted with in the core “business” of our church family partnership: to help other people to become spiritually rich like us. We can express our gratitude to God for the grace we have received in Jesus Christ by giving generously to the work of his church. Please consider partnering with us financially. Giving sacrificially, proportionally to our income and with regularity is an opportunity to grow in our faith and obedience to God’s word.


Mercy ministry

The central mission of the church is proclaiming the gospel and making disciples. So, we lead with the preaching of the Word, which includes essential commands like “love your neighbour.” As the Word takes root and flowers into compassionate action, we neither try to formalise our love for the least, the last, and the lost with permanent programmes, nor do we merely hope that our members will be able to informally identify and fairly differentiate between numerous and competing needs.